New To Anglicanism?
If you're new to the Anglican Tradition and would like to learn more, please enjoy the resources we've gathered below.
Stories of Coming to the Anglican Tradition
Below are episodes of the Classic Anglican Podcast that feature interviews with chaplains who made there way to the Anglican tradition. We pray that these powerful stories will help you as you journey in the Anglican Way.
Take it to the next level...
As you explore the Anglican Tradition further, its important that you participate in the Daily Office and Weekly Eucharist.
The Daily Office:
If you aren't already, we recommend you begin praying the Daily Office. The Daily Office consists of Morning and Evening Prayer. This is an essential, life-long practice for all Anglicans that ensures your day is saturated in prayers and scriptures. You'll read through most of the canon each year and through the Book of Psalms every 60 days. Here is a very solid Daily Office Podcast that will allow you to listen to the office while you participate with your Book of Common Prayer.
Weekly Eucharist:
It is vital that you worship in an Anglican congregation that holds to the faith once delivered. Contact us, and we'll locate the congregation in your area that can join in your formation.

The Education, Training, and Formation (ETF) division of the Jurisdiction offers premier distance education, a residential tutorial, publishes a twice yearly professional journal, and is the home of the Classic Anglican Podcast and Blog. The ETF Division is the hub of learning for the Jurisdiction and where Anglican Chaplains are prepared for the incredible ministry to which we've been called. Whether you're exploring a vocational call or simply wish to learn more, our ETF site is a tremendous place to begin.